We have made a lot of progress this year: the entrance hall has been redesigned, the rooms and apartments have been renovated and modernized and two new terraces have been built in the garden. As far as the garden is concerned, we’ve really gone all out. We have had new soil applied, planted shrubs and flowers and sown flower meadow seeds. Now it is a colorful flower meadow, a real paradise garden. We have also planted fruit trees and created a lavender bed. You can smell the scent of lavender from afar.
Yes, this year we have turned our garden into a paradise garden, a paradise garden for people and bees and butterflies and all kinds of other insects and animals. The neighboring cats also feel very comfortable here. They stalk through the tall grass and play catch or lie on the bench, letting the sun warm their fur and dreaming about what cats might dream about… And the fruit trees have even borne quite a lot of fruit, especially plums and small, tasty farm apples. I’m curious to see if we’ll get some nuts too…